Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

call ducks... i just lost my little house duck to a huge bird of prey... because it was a super nice day and i thought she would love to go outside and play in the creek... i only turned my back a second and she was gone!!! devastated!!! i looked for over a year to find a mate for her so i decided to try a hatch... really scared tho. temp is bouncing between 98 and 100 but my humidity is only at about 52%.... shouldn't it be a bit higher? im glad i fired it up before my eggs get here!... thanks for the welcomes, info and emotional support!

Hello everyone!
I am new here but thank you to all who helped me before with my new turner.
I love this website really informative I got all my questions answered by reading posts.
I have 13 just hatched ducklings 4 of them are Rouen ducks and rest are crested Swedish. I had to assist one rouen because he was hatching from a wrong end. thanks to this website he/she is alive and doing great. Now I have a different problem I still have 5 eggs in incubator and two of them internally peeped I can see them when I candle the eggs and I can hear them but they are not making any progress what should I do? Please help asap!
That song is amazing hahaaa!
Woke up to find egg 3 had popped out and as we were watching and cheering it on egg 4 popped out! Egg 5 is working on it. Phew day 31 and we still aren't done!
The guy I got the eggs from said they were Indian runners but I'm jot sure, though I've not seen babies in real life but don't look how I expected other than the yellow one. Il put some pics up later and you can diagnose!
LOL. I'm goofy for duckies!
They are cute for sure!

That is awesome! I love it! Did you make that up? It is really cool.
I made that up on my first ever hatch. I don't know why, I was just so darn excited to have them hatch!
ok, incubator started up.... therm. and hydrometer purchased and working....eggs on the way...brooder halfway set up, anything else?? can i put down a hand towel over the wire or not a good idea? trying my hand at this but after reading all this im terrified... gonna be a mess for the next 28 or so days! and of all the kinds to start with i picked calls!
The wire on the incubator? I don't put anything because it will effect humidty. Hang in there, the first hatch will drive you all kinds of crazy if you let it.
Hello everyone!
I am new here but thank you to all who helped me before with my new turner.
I love this website really informative I got all my questions answered by reading posts.
I have 13 just hatched ducklings 4 of them are Rouen ducks and rest are crested Swedish. I had to assist one rouen because he was hatching from a wrong end. thanks to this website he/she is alive and doing great. Now I have a different problem I still have 5 eggs in incubator and two of them internally peeped I can see them when I candle the eggs and I can hear them but they are not making any progress what should I do? Please help asap!
If you're locked down, then nothing to worry about. Let those babies do as they wish... and they will take their time. :)

Here are some of them! this is my first time hatching!
What a beautiful assortment of ducklings!

As far as your late babies go, you can always carefully poke an air hole in the shell. I tend to let them hatch or not on their own because sometimes helping can be worse than just letting nature take its course. I assisted hatched a baby one time and it's leg joint had formed wrong. I ended up having to cull it and it was the worst experience of my duck-loving life.
What a beautiful assortment of ducklings!

As far as your late babies go, you can always carefully poke an air hole in the shell. I tend to let them hatch or not on their own because sometimes helping can be worse than just letting nature take its course. I assisted hatched a baby one time and it's leg joint had formed wrong. I ended up having to cull it and it was the worst experience of my duck-loving life.
Thank you very much I will probably wait and see what will happen.
Hello everyone!
I am new here but thank you to all who helped me before with my new turner.
I love this website really informative I got all my questions answered by reading posts.
I have 13 just hatched ducklings 4 of them are Rouen ducks and rest are crested Swedish. I had to assist one rouen because he was hatching from a wrong end. thanks to this website he/she is alive and doing great. Now I have a different problem I still have 5 eggs in incubator and two of them internally peeped I can see them when I candle the eggs and I can hear them but they are not making any progress what should I do? Please help asap!

Just back off a bit. Let them "do their thing" and just try to relax. My WH eggs did that for a while and they hatched on their own time. It will be ok. I would advise just watching and enjoying them come into the world. Good luck and keep us updated.

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