Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

I have a little giant incubator that was fluctuating a lot in temp so I taped around the cracks of the windows, and I now have it in a cupboard, with a towel over half of it, also I can't seem to find your last post about the wire floor, but I usually put that rubber shelf liner stuff on the floor, still has venting because of the tiny holes but I was worried about them snagging their little feet, also it makes the bator a snap to clean to put the next batch in, I roll up the liner with all the icky stuff on it and throw it away, then spray they bottom with a light bleach solution let set for 2 minutes then rinse, if it is really gunky I scrub a bit then I bleach

What a great idea. No effect on your temp? Mine was icky last hatch (which was my first LG hatch), and next hatch is coming up next week so I just might throw a piece of liner in myself!

My eight eggs are doing fantastic!! I can't believe I'm 8 for 8 so far, on day 21. One seems like it's a bit smaller than the others, but still moving a lot and air cells are beginning to draw back on all 8 so I'm very happy with it as a whole. Just working on keeping my humidity up now and finishing up my last few days of turning!! :clap
Man now im getting excited. Got 2 eggs with external pips!! Hopefully come Saturday I got 10 healthy lil silver appleyards running around. Its gonna be a long cpl days.
I havent heard a peep from mine and im in day 26 as well. My fan is pretty loud tho. This is my first time hatching also. I woke up 3 times last night to check them. Saturday cant come soon enough.
My fan is loud to, I put a toilet paper roll to my ear and put over the vent hole to hear. Lol My dh gets a good chuckle. Sleep, what's that I keep an eye open worrying about them.

I havent heard a peep from mine and im in day 26 as well. My fan is pretty loud tho. This is my first time hatching also. I woke up 3 times last night to check them. Saturday cant come soon enough.
We got an early bird! Figures it would hatch while im at work. 1 down 9 to go. Hopefully I get to see 1 hatch.
i got a silky baby hatched today and some more pipping....a few goose eggs in and I think a few runners, we'll see, last hatch was 6 Dutch Hookbills and one silky... found out finally how to keep Hovabator stable....
i got a silky baby hatched today and some more pipping....a few goose eggs in and I think a few runners, we'll see, last hatch was 6 Dutch Hookbills and one silky... found out finally how to keep Hovabator stable....
how did you stabilize the Hovabator? I ordered one (still air) that should be here in a few days. I wanted the genesis, but I couldn't afford that one yet.......

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