Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Lost a rouen drake to a predator last night. I'm thinking it fits the profile of raccoon. It reached under the tractor, grabbed the poor boy, pulled his head and neck out, gnawed it a little bit and left it like that.

First loss to a predator in 3 years of duck keeping. I feel really awful.

Lucky for us, the attack wasn't on our main run or secondary run. Makes me at least feel good that those are more secure. It looks like the gap that the predator used to reach in was made by the ducks noodling around in the mud the one day it rained this week. Corrected the issue with cinderblocks around the outside of the tractor. Little more work to move it, but I don't plan to be running a buffet.
Miss Lydia!



Hi all! I'm sorry I've been off. We've had unseasonably cold and wet weather, and in it I've managed to get into a little scooter accident. (eyeroll) I'm OK, and glad to be back home and online! IT seems like weeks... Oh wait, yep, it's been weeks.

Wow, no kidding! Was she a Jumbo Peking? I thought it was a Sebbie egg, honestly. They lay the smallest goose eggs, and some are about that size. My Jumbo Peking was a real big girl. She was seriously the body size of a small sebbie, but short duck legs, and smoother feathers. I think they weigh about 1 lb apart.
Might've been Jumbo. All three girls here tend to lay in the same nest, so its hard to tell. I have pics over on the Broody Thread of last week's hatch. Their mom has them out wandering right now. Have to go check on them.

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