Three unknowns


Nov 15, 2016
I work at a teaching farm in Reno and we frequently have people want to 'donate' chickens. We rarely accept but in this instance, we said yes. Please excuse the molting chicken pics! I'd love to be able to tell people what breed of chickens we have here. People are always curious about the feathered feet and the 'little' chicken, our only bantam.

Thanks for your help!

This gray hen is the queen of our coop and difficult to take pictures of but she has feathers on her feet. Don't mind the barred Plymouth Rock trying to both be in the picture and avoid me at the same time.

Our little bantam, Boo Boo chicken.
She's molting but is a really pretty chicken with a few feathers on her feet. She looks like a barnevelder (from my limited research.) That's Bertha, our Wyandotte checking out the action in the back.

If there is any other particular information I should gather to figure out what they are, please let me know that, too!
Just guessing....The Gray one Blue Orpington? Second RIR? Third Partridge Cochin, don't think Barnevelders have feathered feet....LOVE her coloring. Will be following to see what the experienced have to say....
Thanks everyone! I was guessing Boo boo is a Rhode Island Red, too. Thanks so much for the help on the other two as well. It's hard to google 'chickens with feathered feet' and really get anywhere. This is my go-to website for my own backyard chickens so I knew you all could point me in the right direction!

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