Thunder and lighting

Are you sure you aren't in my area???
I have had a few people tell me that in this area!! I don't know for sure, but I was told that if there are thunderstorms, all the eggs will die. This person told me this for incubator'ed eggs and hen-set eggs. Don't know if it's true though
51 years long time your someone i need to talk to. i have alot of questions. i have an incubator with turner,and one i turn by hand not having any luck with either. Alot of people tell me its thunder and lighting, we have alot of that here. Ive lost over 120 eggs, in two months. Please help, PM me please.
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My DH says that is true in geese only.

I know we tried to hatch some goose eggs and we had a thunder and lightning storm and lost all of them.
But we just recently had another one, and we had a power outage for about 3-1/2 hours with turkey, duck and chick eggs in the incubator and although they hatched a little late because of temps, almost all hatched.
So we can safely say it is not true as far as chicks, ducks, and turkeys go.

DH still says goose eggs will die if there is a bad storm.

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I would think it could more be an issue with low pressure bursting air cells but truthfully, if it were true there would hardly be any chickens in the USA. Even here in NH, June-Aug we get TStorms daily. Good luck on your hatch I am sorry you have lost so many eggs. May humidity or fertility be an issue?
Yes, it can hurt the embryos. During the worst of storms ever, prior to local tornado, I lost 40 eggs to it. Some folks in our area actually place the stryofoam on top of egg crate mattress pads (foamy kind) to help mitigate the shaking.
I dont think storms hurt the eggs. I live in Florida and it has not stopped raining for 2 weeks now with Thunder and Lighting. I just hatched 2 Sebastopol Geese 4 days ago. They seem to be doing great. I think it must be an old wise tale.

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