
chicken gal

7 Years
Nov 10, 2012
I don't think I have any ticks on my chickens but how do you prevent it. I don't want to get my chickens sick or anything like that.
But I live in Alaska and I don't think we have any ticks up here.
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If you're in an area with ticks, I don't think there's really any way to 100% prevent them. But chickens get rid of external parasites through dust bathing, so making sure they have a dusty, sunny area for that is your best bet. That being said, I do not believe that Alaska has ticks. (Although I could be wrong.)
Since we got chickens, we haven't had any ticks around. They are usually a problem in the long hot days of summer. I guess ticks are afraid of chickens. On the other hand, we had very few bugs in the garden since the chickens came. Interesting coincidence?


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