Time to eat the rooster.

Wile E.

In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 6, 2011
South Cryogenica
I got a rooster, which from pictures appears to be a silver laced wynadotte.

He is aggressive, and chases the wife around, and has attacked me several times. This wouldn't be a big deal to me except I have small children.

I wanted to hatch some eggs, but he is the wrong breed anyway. My hens are buff orps. That is the reason for having a rooster in the first place. I wan't to get a more gentle rooster so I can hatch my replacements. I was thinking of going with some more buff orps or maybe getting some white rocks.

All the hens have their feathers gone above the tail on their backs. The hens are getting sunburned I assume the rooster does this when he mounts. Will having more hens for the rooster reduce this? I thought maybe dividing his attentions might help.

I have one hen that drags a wing and limps. Just noticed yesterday. She has a gash on her back that is healing. I wonder if she didn't get hit with a spur, and the soreness affects her gait and her ability to hold her wing up. Does this make sense? I separated her from the others, but I let them all out today.

Anyway, I guess my plan of hatching more hens isn't going to work, because the hens won't go broody again. So the rooster will be soup when I get the time. I will replace him with a buff orp or a white rock.
The damage to youyr hen's side is most likely caused by the rooster's spurs or toenails. All factors considered, the one single most important fact is that he is human aggressive and you have small children. Imagine what his toenails or spurs might do to a child's face or eyes. It is past time to eat the rooster.
I read on here within the past few days of a person with a 2 1/2 year old child who spent the night in the ER after a rooster attacked the child. She said the child's face looked like it had gone through a windshield. The rooster had never been aggressive before, and the woman was right there gathering eggs - and the child was near her - and the rooster attacked and it took awhile for the woman to get him off the child.

At the FIRST sign of aggression, a rooster needs to go - especially if there are any children in the family. And an adult should always be right next to a child when they're around chickens. An attack can happen in a heartbeat.
Look like the chicken soup might be a solution for the poor guy if he also attacking people. But how many hens you have for him? It is recommended to have 10 hens per one rooster. Maybe he doesn't get enough :)
I agree, time for dinner! I was attacket by a mean roo at my aunt's house when I was 10. He was known to be mean and had been aggressive before but they let it go because he hadn't done anything yet. I was nowhere near his hens when he ripped my shirt and sliced my back open. I love my barred rock cockerels, my BO hens on the other hand love to peck us lol.
Look like the chicken soup might be a solution for the poor guy if he also attacking people. But how many hens you have for him? It is recommended to have 10 hens per one rooster. Maybe he doesn't get enough :)

Thanks. That's one thing I was wondering. I still want a rooster, just want to get a gentle one.

I guess he will get his this weekend, at the latest.
Our kids are all grown, or close to it, but my hubby will not keep a rooster. My great niece was attacked by my brother's rooster, and she almost lost her eye. He just does not trust them, and our neighbors do have young grandchildren who love coming over to see our animals, and I am sure we will someday too. My biggest fear is one of my pullets actually turning out to be a rooster, because he told me it will go!! Good luck finding the perfect rooster.

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