Timing between first and second egg


14 Years
Nov 9, 2008
Central Indiana
My Coop
My Coop
I had my first two small soft shelled eggs 5 days ago from my 20 week old pullets. Nothing since. I thought that once they started, it would be "off to the races." Is this unusual?
I got my first egg on the 27th, the second yesterday. They one whose laying these is 16 weeks old (Red Star). So far, nothing yet today. But, you can bet I'll keep running out in the rain to check!
It's not unusual, sometimes they will lay well for a week and then nothing for weeks. They are just working out the glitches in their lay egg abilities.
I agree with the other posts. When they start laying it may be a bit erratic at first as their bodies adjust. Also you may see some soft shell eggs and more double yokers.
Same thing happened w/ my second RSL that started laying. Got an egg last Sunday, didn't get another one until yester day.
I'm glad someone else asked. I got my first two (one each day) and then the last two days, nada. I've been looking around in the yard wondering if she hid them instead of in the coop. But now I'll relax and give it more time for her to get 'regular'.
I got my first egg at week 15 and the second one a day later. THe 1st one was a double yolker.
Just noticed that you mentioned your 1st 2 eggs were soft shell. I'm assuming you have oyster shell or something similar out as free choice. If not, could be one of the reasons you're getting soft shells, but that is common with 1st time layers, as well as double yolks. Some of my girls started laying at 17 weeks about 4 weeks ago and I have one or two that I swear must lay just about every day (NHR's). My EE's started last week and are very sproadic right now - but they actually started laying much earlier than they usually do. From what I've gathered on this site, I don't think hens start laying "in their own groove" until they're closer to 7-8 months of age.

Warning: Last week I changed their 20% Allway crumble feed to pellet feed and they hated it and refused to eat it and were miserable. Totally messed up their laying cycle. Had to buy 16% Dumor laying feed (Tractor Supply) on Saturday cuz my feed store was closed. I have since purchased the 20% Allway and am mixing it in with the 16% layer feed and they have started laying much better.

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