In short - p/u 9 chicks from breeder last Sat. at 2wks old. 4 Amer/EEs (whateves), 3 Aust, 2 BR. One of the BRs is just tiny! She's feathering out at the same rate as the monsters in with her (they just look giant compared to her) but just doesn't seem to be growing. One the A/EEs is also small but rounder - the BR is eating, drinking, pooping, etc...just seems ADR (ain't doing right) for her to be sooo much smaller. FWIW, all 9 were hatched w/i a couple days of each other.
Any thoughts on this weirdness? Maybe it's not weird and little people chickens are common place (typed the newbie)
Any thoughts on this weirdness? Maybe it's not weird and little people chickens are common place (typed the newbie)