Tips for overcoming Insomnia?

I’ve had trouble sleeping my whole life (insomnia), but recently I have had ‘experiences’ and been sleeping.....
Me too
sleep paralysis
What is this?
Edit: I forgot to add I use a weighted blanket and a heat pack, they help a lot.
I used to go that route when I was younger, but now I am into the down comforter and feather bed, because the feeling of floating is much more relaxing to me.

Mood at bedtime is the biggest determining factor for me, moreso than anything else.

Maybe try niacin supplements
What is this?
You're awake, but cannot move your body. Often accompanied by seeing things. It's where a lot of demon and shadow people tales stem from. Your body paralyzes itself slightly when sleeping to help keep you from acting out your dreams and harming yourself, and sometimes people become conscious before that's lifted.
How much exercise do you get each day?
I run around a lot during break times at school and do 50 situps every afternoon, I'm a teen so I don't need much usually. If more exercise would help then I'd try it.
How much time do you spend outdoors?
Quite a bit, at least 3 hours per day usually but I walk my quail, George, once a week.
How much screen time do you average per day?
I'd say around 4-5 hours, I watch a lot of movies but about 2h is spent binging YouTube and 1h is spent on my phone, usually on BYC.
What does your daily diet look like?
Tea, Weetbix for breakfast(Aussie thing), peanut butter bread roll for lunch, tea and a scotch finger maybe with some chocolate for afternoon tea. I'll have whatever my Dad cooks for dinner, he's really good at cooking. 😋
On weekends I'll have leftovers for lunch and another cup of tea instead of fruit.
I never drink tea after 4pm.
All of these things matter when it comes to sleep quality.
If there's anything I can change, please let me know!
You're awake, but cannot move your body. Often accompanied by seeing things. It's where a lot of demon and shadow people tales stem from. Your body paralyzes itself slightly when sleeping to help keep you from acting out your dreams and harming yourself, and sometimes people become conscious before that's lifted.
I have had dreams where I was consciously trying to wake myself up, and woke up sitting in bed, but never the reverse, as you have explained.
I have had dreams where I was consciously trying to wake myself up, and woke up sitting in bed, but never the reverse, as you have explained.
It's not fun at all. You normally don't understand whats happening at first, just that you cant move. Time also drags on because you dont know in the moment what's happening
You're awake, but cannot move your body. Often accompanied by seeing things. It's where a lot of demon and shadow people tales stem from. Your body paralyzes itself slightly when sleeping to help keep you from acting out your dreams and harming yourself, and sometimes people become conscious before that's lifted.

It's not fun at all. You normally don't understand whats happening at first, just that you cant move. Time also drags on because you dont know in the moment what's happening
This happened to me once when I was about 18 years old. I was absolutely terrified, completely frozen in my bed in the middle of the night, crazy images and sounds going on in my head. I couldnt move, or make a sound and my body was contorted too. It seemed like eternity until it passed and I was able to breathe properly and move again. Absolutely terrifying.
As others have mentioned, lots of exercise outdoors, plenty of water, a good diet, and minimum screen time especially 2-3 hours before going to bed is going to help you. Also, before you go to bed, take all of the electronics out of your room. Absolutely all of them. They mess with stuff in your body big time. I know of a guy who had a hard time sleeping and when he took out the electronics he was able to sleep normal again. Another major thing that will help the most is to pray throughout the day and before going to bed. Talking with God and listening for His voice is going to give you peace and relaxation moreso than anything else you try. Hope this helps!
There's some good things being discussed here already, but I'll say that the biggest difference for me came when I turned off all my lights except a small lamp and did non-screen relaxing activities starting at about 7-8 PM, aiming to sleep at 10. After ~3 weeks of this routine, my sleep improved significantly. Something about experiencing a "dusk" was crucial for me.
As others have mentioned, lots of exercise outdoors, plenty of water, a good diet, and minimum screen time especially 2-3 hours before going to bed is going to help you. Also, before you go to bed, take all of the electronics out of your room. Absolutely all of them. They mess with stuff in your body big time. I know of a guy who had a hard time sleeping and when he took out the electronics he was able to sleep normal again. Another major thing that will help the most is to pray throughout the day and before going to bed. Talking with God and listening for His voice is going to give you peace and relaxation moreso than anything else you try. Hope this helps!
I try very hard to keep a good diet, and run around a lot at school.
I need the audio from my phone to sleep though..
I use audible for background noise and listen to audiobooks to sleep. I can't sleep without it, and have to look at the phone right before bed to start my audiobook. If this is the problem, it's not something I can get out of.
I pray every night, either thanking God or asking for something. I usually pray for happiness.
Thanks for trying, I think I'm a lost case at this point though 😅

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