Tips on how to kill boredom and loneliness for a blind quail.

A rough brick or piece of slate near the food and water supply will likely be used to wipe his beak on which will file it down over time. However I think it’s a little too far gone to be corrected with only filing, so he needs you to trim or file the beak first and then he can benefit from the brick.
Treats are generally a quail’s favorite things. See if live insects or seeds, in a plastic dish where they will rattle and make noise, will entice him to peck or chase.
Live insects are probably not an option being that they don't sell that on Amazon. I'm in NYC so I don't really have access to those. Any particular seeds I should look for?
Live insects are probably not an option being that they don't sell that on Amazon. I'm in NYC so I don't really have access to those. Any particular seeds I should look for?
Do you have a TSC near you or a Petsmart?
Petmsart sells live insects for lizards, so you could get live insects there. insecs&ps=undefined
TSC also has flock blocks, and "snack squares" which are little thin squares, but are the same as flock blocks.
Live insects are probably not an option being that they don't sell that on Amazon. I'm in NYC so I don't really have access to those. Any particular seeds I should look for?
There are tons of other live insect vendors as well like rainbowmealworms, and they sell a lot of things besides mealworms! My quail love crickets although they can’t always catch them.

Millet, sesame seeds, finely cracked corn, sorghum, hulled sunflower seeds are what my birds like (in that order). I would avoid feeding too many fatty seeds like sesame and always have lots of grit available for digestion or they’ll poop out the seed or bug whole (bad for digestion)
Do you have a TSC near you or a Petsmart?
Petmsart sells live insects for lizards, so you could get live insects there. insecs&ps=undefined
TSC also has flock blocks, and "snack squares" which are little thin squares, but are the same as flock blocks.
There are tons of other live insect vendors as well like rainbowmealworms, and they sell a lot of things besides mealworms! My quail love crickets although they can’t always catch them.

Millet, sesame seeds, finely cracked corn, sorghum, hulled sunflower seeds are what my birds like (in that order). I would avoid feeding too many fatty seeds like sesame and always have lots of grit available for digestion or they’ll poop out the seed or bug whole (bad for digestion)
My quail loves cooked rice. Is that ok for him to it?
I'm going to see if Petsmart has anything interesting that they'd both probably like. I know she would most likely go for it. I'm just not sure about him.
They carry millet sprays for parrots that my quail absolutely love! They’re cheaper ordered in bulk but you can get a couple to try. They are good enrichment because the quail has to harvest its own seeds off of the stalk. They make a nice rattling noise too, if he gets around mainly though hearing.

Don't have much in the way of advice but I really enjoyed reading your posts.

It sounds like he's a very lucky little quail to have you to take care of him!

It's amazing the bond you can develop with a special needs animal. I just lost my little Crissy (Easter Egger chicken with a crossed beak) a few months ago. She was about 18 months old. She got along pretty well with a few extra little modifications to the coop. (Deep water pan and wet mash mostly.) Her life was a bit of a struggle but she seemed happy out sun bathing, pecking around, etc. with the other "girls". Losing her was REALLY hard!

You might enjoy watching the following You Tube video even though this chick's situation is different than your quail's. I have seen it several times and get teary-eyed every time. Someone here at BYC posted a link to it years ago.

If the link doesn't work I think it's called "Don't kill that chick" (I think it used to be called "Saving Elvis"?

A "chick stick" treat is similar to a flock block (mentioned above) only much smaller and it can be hung at the appropriate height so it doesn't get messed on.

A little bit of canned cat food might make a good treat? What do other people think?

My parents use to give their quails a little bit of salad greens and an occasional piece of strawberry.

Good luck with your little quail!

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