Tips on picking Pullet Barred Rock chicks??? HELP!! (PICS UP)


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
New Castle, Indiana

My local Rural King juSt got a fresh shipment of Barred Rocks all straight run and i picked one up tonight with a little buddy for it..a black Austrilope. When i was there i did the following to both chicks...

Layed them flat on their backs in the palm of my hand
Turned them up-sidedown and hung them from their feet.

Both chicks seemed very calm in both these positions and did not fight hardly at all. The first 1.5 seconds they would struggle....but then they layed back and accepted it.

So i get home and my little BR starts acting weird. It will not stand up at all...just stays crouched upright. I introduced both chicks to my 5 four week older's and 4 one week olders in the large brooder in my home. The Austrilope blended in just fine but the BR just layed there. Also, i hung the BR again from her feet in-between my fingers again and she bent her leg's fighting me trying to get to my fingers. I was very upset!!!! I now think i have a BR roo when i am wanting ALL PULLET'S!! So, should i take the BR back and make a swap???? Or just wait it out to see how use she get's to her new home?

One last thing, i found it quite easy to notice the comb on her. Do all BR'S have noticeable combs at 4 to 5 days old??? Or would i need to go back and look for another BR chick that has absolutly NO sighn of a comb???

Sry for all the question' a NOOB when it comes to Barred Rocks...LOL
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ive heard from other people on here that for almost all chicks that if you lay them on their back and they stay still then they are a roo but if they turn over they are a pullet and i also read that you should NEVER hold a chicken by its legs that could be the problem with them
Pardon me for saying so, but that is a rather" folklorish" way to sex chicks, especially BRs,who are color sexable for the most part. Plus, it plain does not work. :/This article tells about sexing Doms, same way with BRs.

Males are slightly different than females. I have no idea what you mean about the stance of the chick. Almost sounds ill, the way you describe it.
I am not sure about the fact of folklore or not, it seems to me to just be a guide not a set in stone foolproof method but it does help some.

well my BR has just a tiny bit of black coloring on it's feet. So i have no clue what to think. The link provided above by the master mod told me BR'S can be sexed by the color of their feet. Black/gray feet on the chicks indicate that they are pullet's and all yellow feet indicate they are roo's.
I know it sounds awful but that is what I was taught to do from the first farmer I got my first chicks from and that is also what they do at TSC and Rural King. Even my own grandmother did this with her chickens. I don't think it hurts them in any way or least not to my knowledge they all seem to be doing just fine and don't have any dramatic reactions after its done to them.
The feed store that I bought my RIR's from did this exact same thing. It didn't hurt them and they didn't mind it. They said that if they tried to come back up it was a cock. If it stayed up-side-down it was a pullet. I agree that it is just a folk tale, etc. We'll see!

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