to aquaphor or not to aquaphor


Sep 21, 2020
Bergen County New Jersey
HI All! I keep reading different and completely conflicting things about combs and wattles in the cold. We have had temps in the low teens for the past three days. I don't heat my coop but it is bone dry and well ventilated with no drafts on them, but it is DANG cold...I noticed that my favorite (what? Did I just say that?) Leghorn has a bit of a more blusih tinge to the tips than usual and I am so worried about it turning black - frostbite. Some scientific things I have read say that using any type of petroleum, oil, bag balm,etc...that they are all terrible to do because they actually MOISTURIZE the comb and wattle instead of keeping it dry. That people in the olden days never put stuff on their chicken's parts, so why would we do that etc. etc. etc... But I don't know what to do to prevent her comb from getting darker. Not even sure if it is frost-bite in progress, just that the ends of the middle of her comb are a bit bluer/purply cast than usual bright red color. All three of my other girls combs loko the same as ever. Thoughts? Thanks
Anything that contains vaseline (including Aquaphor) can actually freeze in frigid temperatures. I do not put anything on combs to prevent it, but it can happen if temps are near zero F. This link below is good reading and she recommends a product for sled dogs that is more wax than oil:

Post any pictures that you have questions about.
Anything that contains vaseline (including Aquaphor) can actually freeze in frigid temperatures. I do not put anything on combs to prevent it, but it can happen if temps are near zero F. This link below is good reading and she recommends a product for sled dogs that is more wax than oil:

Post any pictures that you have questions about.
Sounds like Musher's Secret is a good thing. I am going to get some in case temps drop super low again. Thanks for the link!

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