To cute !


Feb 20, 2018
South eastern Ky
We had an extra camera from our security system so my husband set it up towards the babies. He even put an app on my phone so I can check them anytime anywhere! I was watching them tonight and caught them scratching in the pine shavings. I was wondering how they were getting in their water and food. I know it makes me sound dumb but I hadn’t thought of them scratching around. It’s too stinking cute!
Yes, I was amazed at all the stuff they do RIGHT off the bat that is regular chicken behavior. I've had chickens for a year now but this is my 1st time having them from day old chicks, so it's kind of a new deal for me. Inside of the 1st week they scratch and scrap with each other. Somehow I was expecting them to be immensely sweet and tender for a while before turning into what chickens are. NOT at all accurate:oops:.
Cute...I put feed and water up on Bricks so they can't kick shavings into the water or feed..
I had thought about trying to do something along those lines but was worried 1 wk old chicks wouldn't be able to reach it. I think I'm going to try out your method CR:thumbsup. Because the one thing they are Great at is making messes:lau
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I had thought about trying to something along those lines but was worried 1 wk old chicks wouldn't be able to reach it. I think I'm going to try out your method CR:thumbsup. Because the one thing they are Great at is making messes:lau
Chicks can hop pretty high..A lot tougher than people think. Don't let that cuteness fool you..;)
Best wishes...:frow
Yes, I was amazed at all the stuff they do RIGHT off the bat that is regular chicken behavior. I've had chickens for a year now but this is my 1st time having them from day old chicks, so it's kind of a new deal for me. Inside of the 1st week they scratch and scrap with each other. Somehow I was expecting them to be immensely sweet and tender for a while before turning into what chickens are. NOT at all accurate:oops:.
Lol...No, they definitely are Chickens even when Chicks..

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