To the person who dumped 40 pekins on the side of the road..

If the duck train is ever coming by Southern Ohio, I would take 5 to go with my 5 rescue that were dumped in a subdivision person's front yard.

You are wonderful wonderful people.
Thanks everyone for the support! We are trying to deal with this in the best way possible. Please watch out for the website I am working on.

It has been a pretty boring day on the farm. I have some BYCers coming to get ducks this week.
They are VERY happy in their stream and spend most of their time down there. My geese have started trying to herd them around and stuff.. The ducks want nothing to do with them. They were pretty easy to get in tonight because they were hungry. They are eating less per day since there are only 30 now.. But it seems as they're getting louder. Some of them are getting their voices back apparently, because whenever I go outside, they start quacking at me like crazy.
They're so cute! I love them.

I am replying to Portage Girl via PM, but I do know that we may get called again for this again.. But we are glad to help. I would hate to leave any abandoned geese or ducks out there. I just couldn't consciously do it.
IF anyone is coming through Northern Ohio, I can take probably 5 or 6. I cannot leave for too long since I care for my 92 year old father, but I can meet someone along the way, and live very close to the Ohio turnpike (I-80 and I mean very close, less than 5 minutes to an exit in fact), not too far from I90, and several other main roads where I could meet someone easily.

I know this is highly unlikely to work out, but just in case there's some possibility, I thought I'd throw it out there. (I'd say I could go farther, but he just has been having some very wonky sugar readings, and I'm worried to leave him for more than an hour or so for a bit now)
WHAT WONDERFUL PEOPLE YOU ARE !!! Just read some of this post.....that idiot should be shot. How do these people live with themselves ? I know there's 2 duckies that have "appeared" at the pond about half a mile down the street from me. I tried to lure them with grain but some elderly man had been there earlier and loaded them up with good old white bread. They will either be picked off by predators or run over due to the fact that they reside right on the grass on the side of the road. I'm going to keep trying with them.
I'm so sorry about your email. I just found it among the other 19k + I haven't been able to catch up with.

I have memory issues with my laptop and couldn't open my emails till today. It's affecting my pms also. It probably stems from all the email that have to load, but I had 5 months that I couldn't get anything to delete. New pc soon I hope.

I think we have only one person in your state signed up so far, but I will post to see if I can find some help.

If anyone from this thread would like to join the Egg Train, please use the links in my signature.

Hopefully there will be enough people to help get your foundlings all placed.

Oh....I'm going to see what I can get started, but have to warn you I'll be gone tomorrow afternoon until the next night, but hopefully we'll find help before that.

ETA: I forgot to add that most states require NPIP certification on birds transported out of state. If there's a way to get this done it would be helpful if we get the Egg Train going on this. If you are not NPIP certified, maybe someone who is can help get the paperwork together they may be needed. Just an idea.
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The ducks were very good today. They spend as much time in the stream as possible, but I believe the stream wars have begun. All day, the geese were taking over "their" stream and herding the ducks back into the pen. At one point, they also took over the duck's pen and made them stay under a tree for a half hour.
We'll be constructing them a new pen soon.

Today, BYCer Brian who we got a gosling from earlier in the year came out and got 4 ducks - one boy and 3 pretty girls. So now we are down to 26.
They are such good little ducks. Brian also brought us a couple of bags of actual Purina duck food, which they LOVE. We have 10 more going on Friday, so we still have a few left to give away. They are wonderful ducks!

I will update with pictures tomorrow. They're so cute!

PS, we do not have NPIP certification and I'm finding it hard to get done in MD. Since there are so little ducks, I am unsure that a train is feasible.. I am talking to wolftracks, though.

Again, thanks everyone for the support! They're lovely little duckies and I'm so glad I got to save them and in the process give them wonderful homes.
Well if you do get a train going to NC count me in for whatever you care to rehome. ScaredofShadows I know is interested in some and if there was someone going to Richmond I could come up there and get them.

That photo of all the ducks in your SUV is awesome - If BYC ever does a calendar I vote for that as 1 of the pics.

I can't believe you got them all in the SUV - I had 16 runners in my truck a couple of weeks ago but they were just youngsters but it was an interesting 3 hour drive with them.
Wow, I wish there were some way to get some to KY, I could take at least 10 of them off your hands! I love pekins, they are my favorite duck breed. We have a good-sized pond, and about 10 acres of roaming land. My ducks love it, but after rehoming some extra drakes, I'm looking a bit low on ducks

Anyone coming from MD to KY in the near future?
I got a great picture today from the farmer who took 20 of them! It looks like they're having fun..


I have decided us BYCers should invent an insta-transport system for poultry. We can have hubs in major cities and send our extra poultry around the world! Pictures of my 26 will come later, along with updates.. I'm thinking about having them meet my 2 swedish and 2 cayuga ducklings.
Yesterday they met my baby geese who are about the same size as them.. They were scared.
That picture is great! Is that your private pond??? so envious-Im afraid to let my calls out on ours because of large mouth bass wanting a free meal!!!

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