toes webbed...

I am on the fence about this girl. I personally think her little webbed feet are unique and adorable

However, it is possible that the webbing could impede her walking/balance. I can already see her primary balancing toe (middle) is being pulled unnaturally to the side, and away from her center of gravity.

Even worse, she may accidentally rip it on her own. Every person in the medical field can tell you that a cut heals better than a tear.

I think if she is the least bit less stable than her siblings, I'd recommend that a quick snip along the webbing would improve her quality of life. And yes it seems mean/painful, but if she tears it, it'll be twice as painful and difficult for her to heal later on. Human children who are born with webbing on their feet and hands get the same treatment for the same reasons.
Cutting the webbing with a pair of DULL (to minimize bleeding) scissors will greatly improve the chick's mobility and quality of life-- perching, scratching, etc. If the chick's mobility is not impaired, leave it alone. Understand that this is a simple procedure on a chick but far more complicated on an adult bird. This is generally a heritable trait so do not use this bird for breeding. I have an inbred family of pigeons that occassionally produces youngsters with webbed feet. Cutting the webbing is a simple and basically painless procedure.

I had an adult chicken with two webbed toes; she is just as spry as the others. I would only cut it when and if it begins to impair quality of life. Also, super cute chick!
Thanks for all of your replies. At this time she does not seem to be impeded by this defect. I do not want her to suffer because I jumped in unnecessarily. I will watch her development and keep you all posted.
I to have a silver with webbed feet its a twin to yours. This post is a couple years old now and I would like to know what you did or didn't do and how's your chicken?
Hey Arrow 300,

I was just looking at my silver laced wyandotte pullets this morning and noticed that I have a webbed toed girl too! I wonder if it has to do with the breed? My girl seems just fine with her mobility. I've had her about a month now and just noticed it this morning. How is your girl doing?

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