Too soon or not too soon.... that is the question....

Ok..... So It's now almost 1:30a and I just came back inside from checking on the chicks... Some are resting the rest were up wondering around... Lol I guess maybe the dogs barking startled them and they had to see what was up.... Lol but I guess they will be just fine since day will break here in about 4 hours and things will warm up..... :) Thanks all ... Gnight.. Zzzz.....

They sound like they are doing fine, then. :) Now go to sleep!
Happy to report It's 6:30a and all 16 chicks made it through the night:).... Woohooo... Thank the good Lord:)
My little ones had got put outside every morning between 6-630am after I got my daughter up and going for school,and then my son and I would go out every night and gather all six and bring them back inside, we did that for a week, then last weekend I had them spend thier first night staying in thier outside coop.. The first night it wasn't to cold(I did check on them several times) the next night it got really cold (well I thought it was cold, there was frost on my car) and I checked on them about twenty times (so they got loads of sleep, I got none) they where fine, the cooler night didn't seem to bother them at all... It's like being a first time mom, we worry to much I guess...

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