Too Soon?


Free Ranging
5 Years
Nov 30, 2018
Lakeside, OR
I know it's just barely Fall and and the Winter hatch is a long way away and no, my coop and run haven't been built yet (waiting for a bit more disposable income), but is it too soon to start planning my hatchery order?

My list of wanna haves is up to about a dozen different breeds with a maximum of 6 hens. :D I figure availability of breeds will help me narrow it down some. Right now the plan is for a coop size of 5'x8' and a run of 8'x 20' so there should be plenty of room.

What say you? Are you looking at the catalogs yet or are you made of sterner stuff?
Personally I don't like looking at hatchery catalogs except to get a loose idea of what breeds are like.
If I'm going to buy hatchery chicks it's usually easier from TSC on an impulse. Planned purchases of specific breeds are made from breeders, local when possible.

Hatchery stock just doesn't represent how nice some of the breeds can be but I understand that it's much more available for most people.
But if you're getting chickens planning as much as you can as early as you can is good.
It is never too early for anything animals related.
Procrastination is my biggest problem.
Chickens, bees, sheep, etc. don't know you are planning on doing something the next day. They want it now.
The wonderful fun of planning....but do know, I have planned and planned and have never had it turn out like I planned. Life gets in the way.

There really isn't a perfect breed and really chickens are just fun, some work better, some not so good, just reevaluate and move on.

Mrs K
If you want specific breeds, especially if they are 'rare' or 'popular', would be good to start planning now and order for a certain delivery date as soon as they allow it.

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