too young for grit???


11 Years
Aug 18, 2011
I went to the feed store today during lunch and asked for 'chick grit'. They had no idea what I was talking about and told me the grit was on the shelf next to the feeders. I said that I had seen the bag but that it said "for all poultry over 8 weeks old".

My peeps are between 2 & 3 weeks old. Do I wait till they're 8wks old??? Can I give them the the 'poultry grit' that I saw?
I'm pretty sure that I've read where they should be getting grit before they get anything other than chick starter. (?)
MY Central tractor store had chick grit. So i do believe you can buy smaller sized grit.
Go to a pet store and get grit for parakeets. It's often red granite or something like that. We used it last year for our chicks. Some people will also say that if they have access to dirt outside, they will get their own grit, but if they are still in a brooder and getting treats you can give them the parakeet grit.
When mine were that age we put their food on a paper plate and then sprinkled a little bit of poultry grit on top. That way they only ate a little bit of grit at once. My TSC also sells the chick grit though.
Cool! Thank you all.

I went to a feed store near church on the way to choir practice and they sold me a bag of 'poultry grit'. I found a small bird feeder that is supposed to hang on a window from a suction cup. I was thinking that if I put the grit in it and (pulling the suction cup out) hang if from a cup hook, they could get what they want.... ?????? Do I have to put it in with their feed? Will they get too much if I just put it in by itself or will they limit to what they need??? Someone on BYC said "Chickens are as smart as they need to be" the other day and I'm trying to remember that and not freak over every little thing. LOL
I'll collect some 'sand' from around the driveway to add to it too. I had been told that it would be good to give them a little 'yard dirt' so that they could build up some immunities while still on the medicated feed.
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We found a bag of chick grit for the babies at TSC (Tractor Supply Store). They had a bag for adult chickens as well. It says to give it to them at 2-3 weeks of age. We also read that the chick/grower feed is good enough until then so we are going to wait. :D
they'll eat what they want. I went to the horse supply store (tack store) and they had a whole chicken section and that's where I found the chick grit. It's the only thing I have used up. Likely most of it wasted. I don't recommend parakeet grit because it has calcium in it
Grit one day too late???

When I got home tonight, one of them was making an odd "coo-koo, coo-koo, coo-koo' sound. She was streaching her neck and opening her mouth with each sound. Just like a coo-koo clock. I picked her up and there is a small, hard lump just in front of her brestbone. I've tried to give her a few drops of water and massaged the lump - impacted croop??? I have her sitting here on the desk now, feebly making that coo-koo sound and looking like she's gasping... or maybe she IS gasping.
Going to the first aid / emergency to look for help.


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