Topic of the Week - What is the purpose of your flock?

It’s a hobby. We enjoy having different bantam breeds. Presently we have mostly Cochin, self blue, partridge, and mille fleur and my husband has his golden duck wing OEG. They all have unique personalities. We have chairs set around the coop to watch “chicken TV”. I find them fascinating.
We always said fresh eggs was the main purpose...yeah right, so why do I have 10 Roosters then? 😆

I have to be honest & fess up, I totally Love them! ❤️

I love building & remodeling coops, always making improvements.

The are wonderful, fun & productive garden companions, tilling & replenishing with manure, eating bad bugs.

The are friends with excellent conversation skills, always willing to jump on my lap, listen about my day & softly cluck telling me about their day, let me hug my sweet fluffy butts, even my Roos are loverboys.

The eggs are just a bonus, and not only are they delicious, but I have 7 different colors! I sell eggs at a local market & I make sure each dozen has every color egg. They tell me my eggs sell out immediately. The lady that works there told me she grabs her dozen first before customers wipe them out. She said she always loves to open the carton & see what variety the lovely colors are. Once in awhile I get a pinkish egg & a plum tinted egg...too cool.

My flock has enriched my life. They always make me smile & laugh daily.

During the fearful & uncertain days when Covid19 affected our lives, & shut work down, my chickens were my peace, they kept me centered. I was able to use that time off work to let 2 broody mama's hatch 10 eggs, and what a rewarding experience that was watching mama's tender loving care & interacting with the chicks daily!

I I am a grown woman, but hanging out with the chickens makes me feel like a carefree little girl at times. Yes, I actually prefer my scooping poop chores to socializing with people. I can tolerate attending a human social gathering for about 2 hours, then I need to decompress...usually the escape reason is needing to tend to my flock...99% of the time that's where I immediately retreat to. I can spend an entire day into night with my flock & there's always something to do, clean or tend to. I look forward to time off just to be with them. My zany, crazy chickens are my sanity! 🤣

I can't imagine my life without chickens. ❤️ 🐔
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A few years ago, my family moved to a new house. I didn’t want to, but my mom said we could get chickens there and it would be fun. I disagree, thinking chickens would be boring.

But a few months after the move, we went to a farm store and came back with a box of six chicks. Three were for some cousins, three were for me. I was very wrong at first. Chickens were not boring at all. In fact, I soon came to the conclusion they were some of the best pets you could have.

To my family, our chickens aren’t just chickens. They’re loud, amazing, and absolutely hilarious pets. Wether they are digging in the flower beds or chasing each other for tomatos, my chickens are absolutely the most spoiled pets for miles around. For us, the fact that they lay eggs is simply a bonus!


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