TOTW Problems?


Broody Magician
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 3, 2009
New Jersey
Is anyone having problems with TOTW High Prairie or Pacific Stream canine formulas? I've been feeding it for 3 months+ and like the results. Last night one of my dogs appeared depressed and refused to eat. Tonight 6 out of 15 had diminished appetites and one refused to eat. I'm uncertain about the cause of my problem. It may only be coincidental to opening a new batch of feed in that the dog who would not eat last night ate some tonight. Stools appear normal for the most part. These are mature dogs that have been field trialed up and down the Eastern seaboard so they have probably been exposed to and developed titers to just about everything. I'm leaning toward exposure to some sort of a short term off the wall viral thing that affects the digestive system. They are not febrile nor are they vomiting- not SICK, sick but not quite right. Any ideas?
Sorry you are having these troubles and hope the dogs are back to feeling right as rain soon.

Jax refuses to eat TOTW and we have tried every formula of it available to us.
UUh ohh.. My dogs both are on TOTW high prairie and the salmon one (mixed together)..
And they BOTH arent eating good for the last 3 days...
New bags too..

They usually gobble up all this brand feed but lately they have been leaving most it it untouched.
I just thought they were being picky..(they did that every once in a while on their other food i had them on, Purina One)..
but now that you say that same thing....
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Redhen, check the production codes on your bags. Here are mine: High Prairie TDH1101C22XRN, Pacific Stream TDP1001C21XAG. Hopefully it's not the feed. I would prefer some fleeting gastrointestinal problem. Our house dog a golden retriever is refusing the High Plains Praire diet and picking out and eating the salmon?
I just sent you the PM.. we tossed our bags already cause we store our food in a barrell...
Darn... would really really like to know if we have the same production lots...

Going to tell hubby to not toss the bags anymore...just in case something like this happens again.
It is sort of scary when you consider the problems associated with the Diamond recall. The dog that did not feel well last night was acting normal tonight and ate about half of his food. The dog that is down tonight is kenneled next to him. They are two of the four that competed at our state championship last weekend and may have picked something up there. These are the sort of dogs who usually have exceptional appetites so when they don't eat well I become concerned. It seems to be affecting the dogs at different times so I am hoping that it is some sort of a GI bug. Hopefully things will be getting back to normal tomorrow and I will not have to toss out a bunch of dog food. $$$$$$$
Well, it turns out that both Redhen and I purchased our TOTW from Tractor Supply. She discarded her bags so we were unable to compare production codes. Since we are both on the East coast there is a possibility we got feed from the same lot. If things are not improved tomorrow, I'll be tossing a bunch of TOTW. Edited to add: Just did a search on TOTW to see if there were any recalls. Did everyone know that TOTW was manufactured by Diamond?
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Nope..i didnt know that...
I'm getting worried too.

Mine havent been acting sick though.. just no appetite. Which i guess IS sick for them... espically after a few days.
Usually if they go off food.. its only for 1 meal... like if they miss breakfast they eat all of dinner.
Dont know whats going on. Gonna keep a close eye on them now though..

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