Toys for goslings?


Apr 25, 2015
I apologize if someone already posted a similar thread (I looked but not thoroughly to be honest

I'm wondering what would be safe (and fun) play things to give to Cas? He has 2 stuffed ducks, one he loves and snuggles with and for some reason he HATES the other one-- even though they are identical in every way lol --and will throw it around, shake it, stomp it, etc, and I give him a good size clump of sod with the dirt and all from the yard every night. He's at a stage where clothes, hair, zippers, etc are all fun brand new toys for him (lol) and I want to give him more appropriate "toys" so he doesn't get bored. Any suggestions?

Edit: By my best guess he is 9 days old or so today, if that helps.
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In hindsight I should really wait to post things until I've had more coffee LOL ;) Did some searching and found some answers. Baby toys, dog and cat toys, parrot toys, tennis balls, etc. Can't wait to buy him a whole ensemble and see what he likes! I think this will be as much fun for me as it will be for him! Lol :D
I noticed a lot of the threads I researched were pretty old. There is a lot of information on the board, but it doesn't hurt to start new threads either. Tried and true or something new: I embrace any idea that keeps our babies happy and safely entertained. :)
They love mirrors! Birds enjoy looking at themselves, once they realize they are not seeing another bird. LOL

I use mirrors in the brooders and also in the coops and runs. Everybody of all species loves mirrors!
I actually have several bird friendly mirrors since Biscuit likes them too! Some times anyway lol :D

Today Cas played with a rubber ball toy i had gotten for my dogs but they don't like it lol. He tossed it around and rolled it until he tired out! Lol I'll definitely give the mirror a try too! The hub just rolls his eyes when i mention another chance to go shopping!! Haha!

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