Tractor supply ASIAN chicks

Number 2
My Black Asians are looking like the black and white chicken on the Dumor layering crumble bag. The yellow chicks are turning brown, not a red but brown.
My Black Asians are looking like the black and white chicken on the Dumor layering crumble bag. The yellow chicks are turning brown, not a red but brown.

What color were yours listed to be? Asian what? Mine were listed as Asian Black. They were in with some others that were yellow. I thought those were a different breed. Do any of yours look at all like mine in the pics I posted? I'd love to see pics of yours too.

CHicks here are about 2 weeks old
Yours do look a lot like mine. I think yours are just a week or 10 days older than mine.
I'm seeing a single white stripe on the wings of a few of them. At first I thought of Barred Rock but then no other bars or stripes are showing up. That's different from BR.
Are the yellow-red ones also Asian? If so Asian whats?

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