Tractor supply pullets

We brought these six little Golden Comet pullets (I think they're also called Golden Sex Link) home from TSC today. The worker said they were two or three days old. Hopefully, they're all hens, but I guess we'll find out if TSC or the sorter got it right. The worker with the chicks said we needed to get a bantam too if we wanted eggs, but we said we're not looking to breed our chickens, just for collecting our own eggs. He said, "Well, if you want eggs, you need at least one male. You can't get eggs without a male." We politely said thank you, but six pullets please. We've had layers for years and never needed a rooster if we're going to eat the eggs!

The worker with the chicks said we needed to get a bantam too if we wanted eggs, but we said we're not looking to breed our chickens, just for collecting our own eggs. He said, "Well, if you want eggs, you need at least one male. You can't get eggs without a male."

You should have said something to him or his manager, he doesn't need to go around spreading lies like that. You don't have to be rude about it, just hey, educate your employees! Because that's not how any of that works lol!

That being said, I love my golden comet. She's a sweetheart and far and away the best layer in my flock. She faithfully lays at least 6 eggs a week! I wanted to increase my flock by adding more but couldn't find a hatchery that wasn't sold out of them, so I decided to branch out and got a few different breeds.
This probably just stupidity... I really don't understand his logic though. Chicks are usually sold as pullets or straight run, there's never a cockerel bin. Unless they were jut trying to push the bantams.
Is it bad that I cannot stop laughing that a TSC worker said this? Don't they only hire red neck teenagers that at least know what end the egg comes out of?
I you were much more gracious than I would have been.
LOL! I don't have a rooster and I collect eggs every day! That's what I would have told him. Then, I would have asked if he was just trying to sell me an extra chick, or if he REALLY did not know that a rooster isn't needed for eggs?

You would be amazed. There are very educated people where I work, and many of them have not a clue about chickens! I didn't when I started out, but I can read, thank goodness!
I had a market customer insist I candle the eggs I sold her to make sure there were no chicks inside since "the rooster put the eggs inside the hen." After a long explanation, I finally told her she was eating the hen's period, and that was why I could get eggs without a roo.
I mean this as no disrespect to anyone, but I have always wondered why so many people buy their chicks from TSC. I have no experience with their chicks, and I have read many people's sucess with them, there are just so many more options. Maybe it's just the area I'm in, though. This time of year there are at least 5 feed stores in a 30 mile radius that sell many hybrid breeds of pullets, and tons of people on CL with day old straight run and 6-8 week old pullets for a decent price. There are some really good people selling on CL. There are also some bad ones, but you can usually tell by how the ad is written.
I'm not complaining about TSC, and I have nothing bad to say about their chicks. I'm just curious as to how they sell so many. Is it because it is an impulse buy, or is that the best place to get them in other parts of the country?
Hi scflock,

My personal opinion is that TSC sells so many chicks because they have everything you need right there. Many feed stores don't have heat lamps or some of the informational literature, medicines, etc. that TSC does.

I've never bought a chick from TSC. They gave me one this Spring as a rescue, but I always buy mine from local feed stores that have what I want.
My main reason is that TSC won't just sell you one or two chicks (regardless of the fact that I may have 5 at home I want to add them to), you have to make a minimum purchase of 6.
Hi scflock,

My personal opinion is that TSC sells so many chicks because they have everything you need right there. Many feed stores don't have heat lamps or some of the informational literature, medicines, etc. that TSC does.

I've never bought a chick from TSC. They gave me one this Spring as a rescue, but I always buy mine from local feed stores that have what I want.
My main reason is that TSC won't just sell you one or two chicks (regardless of the fact that I may have 5 at home I want to add them to), you have to make a minimum purchase of 6.
That's probably the biggest reason. I buy all of my supplies at TSC, but always bought my chicks somewhere else

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