trapped a raccoon.

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Build a coop and or a fence and that will cut down a lot of the issues. Again illegal or not I would not kill a coon I would instead relocate it.
If the OP is going to trap coons and needs a simple, effective, humane way to do it, and since he already has powder burners.....albeit noisy ones........ he should go the the nearest pawn shop and buy the cheapest ugliest single shot thing they have that looks like it would safely fire a .22 short and that becomes the designated problem solver.

If aesthetics matter, upgrade to a pink Crickett.

As for how far to relocate a trapped predator like a coon or possum, my rule of thumb is far enough I can't smell the dead carcass or be bothered by the buzzards when they come in to tidy things up.
Can you make some recommendations?

As coopdeville15 recommended, I like Benjamin's also. Very good quality for the price. I have the Benjamin Summit NP2, but would recommend the Benjamin Trail NP2 due to the better scope. A prime site for education, comparisons and sales is

Don't confuse "airsoft" with "air rifles". The former are toys and have their place. The latter are for more serious uses.
He's taken out 6 of my chickens. Florida doesnt allow transporting/relocating them and local animal control says they wont take him.
Im left with 2 options: release or kill. Which means I really only have one option.

I have read all about the "best" way to do it.
1) I have a 9mm and 30-06 rifle - too much - cant scare the neighbors ( cant shoot him)
2) Read about drowning - seems inhumane to me ( i guess some call it "baptizing " )
3) Read about poison but some sites say to absolutely avoid this option (im not sure if that advice applies to a trapped one)
4) CO - I thought I can put the trap in a big cardboard box I have with the tail pipe of my car redirected into the well taped/sealed box.

Anyone have any thoughts about how i can off this guy ? Is the CO option legit?


I can testify of the legitimacy of the CO option. As a child I witnessed my grandfather using this method on a skunk. If I remember correctly the skunk didn't even spray inside the box.
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