Treating Candida (yeast) with Medistatin (Nystatin) - no ℞ needed

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Nystatin can be used to treat some strains of candida in poultry.
According to most veterinary formularies and references, the most common Nystatin dose is 200,000 to 300,000 IU/kg two or three times a day. Lafeber vet recommends 300,000 IU 2-3 times a day, so that is what I will base my calculations on.
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Medistatin contains Nystatin 400,000 IU per gram and comes in comes with a teaspoon sized scoop that when level contains ~3 grams, so one level teaspoon is 12,000,000 IU.
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Your average sized hen weighs about 5 pounds, so a hen this size will need 681,818 IU 2-3 times a day, which is ~0.6 teaspoons or 1.7 grams 2-3 times a day.

The per pound amount is 0.11 teaspoons per pound or 0.34 grams per pound three times a day.

Medistatin is sold *without* a prescription on most pigeon supply websites worldwide.

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How many days? My rooster stopped crowing, he has bubbles coming from his mouth, his tongue was hard to reach to make sure antibiotics didn't go into his lungs. It helped in the beginning but he is still shaking his head. So I have the nystatin, how many days do you treat?
How many days? My rooster stopped crowing, he has bubbles coming from his mouth, his tongue was hard to reach to make sure antibiotics didn't go into his lungs. It helped in the beginning but he is still shaking his head. So I have the nystatin, how many days do you treat?
i have the same question I’m using the nystatin powder to treat a runner duck for Aspergillus, but I don’t know how many days to continue the treatment

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