Treating upper respiratory infections

I did cull her and so glad I did.... As I raised her to put into my cone fluid/mucus came out of her mouth. I pondered the gape worms but while she stood upright she never showed that telltale look of them. I honestly think she had pneumonia. Over the course of today she was sneezing out drainage from her nose that was collecting on the sides of her beak and it was bloody. Poor girl was drowning in her own fluids. Bleh. At least she died with a full belly. Thanks for all your help @casportpony Kathy.
Sorry for your loss!

I'm new to this....we just got this hen, and she is sick. She is sneezing, coughing,and sometimes wheezy and sometimes gasp for air. Can anyone help me out on what I should do?
Akslade2013- I'm having the same problem with a hen right now. If you go clear back to the beginning of this thread there is some great info from RooRidgefarms. ;)
I'm new to this....we just got this hen, and she is sick. She is sneezing, coughing,and sometimes wheezy and sometimes gasp for air. Can anyone help me out on what I should do?
Sorry you didn't get an answer right away. It helps to start a new thread to get better responses sometimes. Here is a good article about common diseases and you will want to read about mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG,) infectious bronchitis, coryza, and ILT:
You can do a modified isolation by using a wire cage or pet cage of some sort. Giving him separate eating and drinking containers will help keep spread of infection down.

I repeat: TYLAN 50 is your best shot for recovery at this point. If it is a cost issue, I understand. But, Duramycin is a very mild form of antibiotic, and oral meds do not get absorbed as well as injections. Injecting goes straight to the system, oral antibiotic does not completely saturate the system like injections due to many factors.

In any case, keeping him warm is good. Your best hope for recovery is a serious injectable antibiotic.
I hope your little guy makes it!

This is really helpful for me. I'm dealing with a similar situation. I caught the needle gauge, dose, and the depth to put it in, but what about the needle length?
I inject mine direct in the sinus with LA 120 I save many birds with this method, even pheasants and turkeys were been saved.
How do you inject.into the sinuses??? My big rooster is VERY sick. He seemed ok yesterday, but we were out of town over night. When we got home I went to feed/water/love my biddies and noticed Poppa didnt come to me. I had to go find him. His beak was totally crusted and he is sooooo rattly. I have: 1. used my nebulizer and gave him a breathing treatment. 2. I have a humidifer (diffuser) on him with essential oils. 3. I got some pedalyte down him I am now at Tractor Supply for Tylan50 Help???

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