Treats for chicks

Is one week old too young for occasional treats? I was thinking about picking up some mealworms today, and I'm also very eager to give them crickets. What age is appropriate for these kind of treats? Also will they need any form of grit with these? Right now they are just on the chick starter. Thanks in advance.
I can't help you too much for treating your babies, but I might be of help socialising them. Make sure you keep your movement smooth not jerky, jerky movement makes all sorts of Gods creatures nervous. start by just putting your hand in the brooder take you time and slowly bring it closer stopping when they start spazzing. Keep still until the calm down.
Reward curiousity, thats a good time to introduce treats so bring out those yummy mealworms and encourage them to be taken from your fingers. (Ive seen ads for a dried mealworn) for the time being limit the treats for these bonding moments, you'll be teaching them that you are the only source of those goodies.
Hope these ideas help

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