Trendy chickens


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
Just wondering if anyone else out there is amused by the new yuppie trendy chicken raising thing. To be fair, I only got mine a year before the chicken explosion hit and Sunset raised them and wrote a blog.

Still, is it a good thing for chickens or bad? Will people learn to appreciate their food? Will they just flood the animal shelters with unwanted chickens in a year or so? Thoughts?
No. I am in for the long hall.
i'v been hooked, took awhile to get my BF to agree, but he gave me my coop for Christmas, and it is so pretty, nothing like my Grandpas. My chicken have light and air flow,protection, it is so cool.
I have wanted chickens forever ... never had the room. Finally got my dream house, and DH and I were talking last night. Guess what, some of my girls are almost a year old!! I'm a lifer ...
ive had chickens all my life and i look at them as no different than dogs or cats they are part of my family and i will never give up on them. no one can change my mind on my babies and i promise ill have chickens with me till the day i die im weird like that

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