Trimming a Polish's crest?

You should be fine trimming them ... it's like a hair cut or trimming your nails. The only thing you need to be careful of is new feathers still in the sheath - aka pin feathers, new feathers, or whatever you want to call them. Those are blood feathers (have blood in their shaft) and if cut will bleed. If they are "established" feathers - the shafts are no longer filled with blood. The blood in the new feathers supplies them with nutrients for them to grow. You can tell by looking at the shaft - as well. If the shaft is dark colored/bluish/blackish - then it is full of blood. If it is pale/clear/whiteish - the blood supply is no longer active. It may be harder to tell on dark colored feathers.

Even if you did cut one on accident - not a big deal. Just grasp it firmly near the base and pull it out. They can continue to bleed for quite some time if you don't.

I think the benefit of trimming is well worth it though. They can see much better ! I know my silkies thank me
And speaking of, they are due for a trim
I have tried trimming our polish but as many feathers as I cut, more fall forward from the back and end up blocking the view the same! They have so many feathers!!!!! I so don't want to go overboard. Like I said, it all look okay for the first few minutes and then more just fill the gaps!
Does anyone have any pictures of what their Polish looks like after a haircut? I'm just trying to picture how I should do it. lol
just saw this post and I had the exact same prob with my hen....I wound up ponytailing it and trimming in the ponytail. Had to wrap her like a burrito so not to flap.. Dont cut to far down, just to where the feather is fluffy. Basically just the ends. I am told they will bleed, I had a styptic powder on hand when i did it.

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