Tripod Update: Pic Pg 21 May try intros today....

I know and understand that this may seem very funny from afar, but when it is right there in your kitchen, peeping at you, it is rather traumatizing. I know that my two younger siblings will be feeling the same way when they awake to this in another two hours.

I totally understand that you want to make jokes about this, and if I weren't so upset and tired, they would probably be very funny. But the truth is, I am dying about this. Please, at least wait for me to recover from the shock a bit more before you begin making jokes about this chick that I will probably lose.

I am not angry at anyone, just trying to point out how I am feeling about this.

Edit: I really don't want to seem angry or harsh. I am not. I am just very tired. Any and all helpful suggestions are still welcomed and begged for.
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I have seen cows with 5 legs. Why not a chicken with 3?

It's OK, really, just let it be a chick and see what happens
Animals with extra limbs do better than animals that have two heads/partial heads. Well as long as the extra limbs dont interfere with walking. I saw in the online version of a german newspaper"Bild" a calf with two extra legs grow out of the side. The farmer deceided to have the extra limbs removed in this case when the cow was a few month old.
It seems like in you case that the legs sticks rather up to the side than down. It might not be able to perch but still could sleep on the floor or maybe on a wide roost if you make a lil latter.
See how well it walks around, and if it does okay take it from there. If there's no feeling in it you might check and see if it seems attached to anything, like bone/muscle whatever, and if necessary (that is, if you really want to put in the time/$$$) consider having the extra leg amputated. Just don't forget which one it was, cause u don't want any bred from it!!!! Good luck!!!

EDIT: Makes you wonder what safeway is doing to their chickens!!!
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Positives--You have a Marvel of Nature, all your friends will want to come see your 3 legged chicken, AND you've got an interesting DNA/Genetics research subject for your next college paper!
Negatives--The bird may have trouble roosting with the other leg, the others in the flock will turn on it, or it may pass on its own/or even worse you'll have to cull it.

As I see have life now...celebrate and marvel at the life that has been given to you!

No Worries Friend!
I don't see why it can't live... I;ve seen people with 2 headed turtles, 2 headed snakes etc. This is just an extra limb. Had a 7 legged frog that I caught in the creek once. He was perfectly happy and large! As long as there are no internal deformities that you don't know about, I don't see why it can't grow up and be a happy healthy chicken. You will just have to wait and see if it can learn to use it's legs to get around. I'm sure if it has a will to live... it will figure it out.

Best of luck with your little chickie! Please do keep us posted!
Ok if it where me i would see if it could survive with standing and eating. And culling be the very last thing to do. Ok now this may seem crazy but if when it starts movin around more and is very healthy and only if the odd leg seems useless i would see what a vet could do. Yes before you think i am nuts I have taken a chick with a broken leg to the vet. But if the leg is useless and the ckick is healthy it might be better for the chicken.

But oh well i am nuts lol.

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