Tripod Update: Pic Pg 21 May try intros today....

LOL... Your thread is up and running again! Keep us updated! She is such a special girl! I don't think that I ever noticed.... What kind of chicken is she? I remember that you said that you bought eggs... and hatched them... I can't remember where you said that you got them though. I'm just have a brain cramp day! Ugh!
Chickenthief is my daughter... so I will answer....

Unfortunately, she died about 6 months ago... She always looked fairly healthy, ate well, ran around but she never really laid well. We went through a family crises about a year ago and I gave away my flock.. the lady down the street took her, and we were able to still see her and hear about her. She said she just went out to the coop one day and she had passed.. she wasn't distended or puffed up etc... so I have no idea.. but it didn't sound like egg bound.

She was hatched out of fertile Rock Island brand eggs from Safeway. So not sure what she was.

Such a sad ending for such a sweet brave girl

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