Trouble with the neighbor.

I agree to let speeping chickens

However, if the issue ever comes back up, or there seems an appriopriate time, rather than limiting the number or gender of birds or specifying a coop location, suggest that the current noise and nuisance ordinances (if there is one, if not, suggest one) should take cover any reasonable issues. Whatever animal or poultry ordinances there are can actually refer to them. The real issue is NOT roosters or hens or chickens. It is preventing a situation where one resident creates nuisances to a degree that they unreasonably impact others. Reasonable: mowing the lawn; unreasonable: mowing the lawn at 2 am. Reasonable: working with loud power tools occsaionally; unreasonable: working with loud power tools all day every day. Reasonable: seasonal fertilizing the lawn and resulting odor; unreasonable: continual noxious odors. etc. THere are a number of tables of comparable noise levels and cities that use them in creating their nuisance regulations that can be used as examples.
Yes I do find it odd that there are no regulations pertaining to the location of say, dog kennels, only that the smell/flies/noise can't be a nusience. I think that should be how it is for all animals.
The problem neighbor's dogs used to smell worse than my coop everytime it rained.
So look at all the animal ordinances and nuisance ordinances, and prepare an overall set of nuisance concerns that would ignore cause and strictly address the nuisnace, then if an issue or appropriate time ever comes up, you can submit it with a "how about this to take care of all issues?"
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If animal control and nieghbor are leaving you alone, be invisible. Don't say anything to anybody! Let sleeping dogs lay! Don't poke a sleeping bear with a stick!
Which I have been doing since this all went down in July

Fast forward to September 21 and I got another notice in my mailbox tonight. I have one teenage roo who has a really puny weak crow (stealth EE roo, thought he was a girl till recently) and 20 girls who don't hardly make a sound. The coop is practically odorless. There is absolutely NOTHING to complain about. This time the "notice" (another doorhanger thing) did not cite noise - just said no chickens allowed, which isn't even 100% true.

I'm highly tempted to stow all my chickens away at the in-laws (which I hate to do coz they can't free range there) and report EVERYONE in town who has chickens!!! Which would be mean, but only fair in the eyes of the law, right? If I have to get rid of my girls I WILL become the annoying neighbor who reports EVERY little thing I see. *sigh*
I really just don't have the time or energy to put up a huge fight trying to change laws.
Of course, blowing the annoying neighbor to kingdom come sounds like a good idea too....but I don't fancy the idea of jail
I haven't seen his dog in a long time, so long that I don't even know if he still has it, otherwise I would be complaing about it right back.
Which I have been doing since this all went down in July

Fast forward to September 21 and I got another notice in my mailbox tonight. I have one teenage roo who has a really puny weak crow (stealth EE roo, thought he was a girl till recently) and 20 girls who don't hardly make a sound. The coop is practically odorless. There is absolutely NOTHING to complain about. This time the "notice" (another doorhanger thing) did not cite noise - just said no chickens allowed, which isn't even 100% true.

I'm highly tempted to stow all my chickens away at the in-laws (which I hate to do coz they can't free range there) and report EVERYONE in town who has chickens!!! Which would be mean, but only fair in the eyes of the law, right? If I have to get rid of my girls I WILL become the annoying neighbor who reports EVERY little thing I see. *sigh*
I really just don't have the time or energy to put up a huge fight trying to change laws.
Of course, blowing the annoying neighbor to kingdom come sounds like a good idea too....but I don't fancy the idea of jail
I haven't seen his dog in a long time, so long that I don't even know if he still has it, otherwise I would be complaing about it right back.

Remind me what the ordinance actually says? Rereading the first couple of pages, I think the location of your coop was the issue? (But I didn't re-read all the pages, and I am remembering that maybe there was more to it?)
Did you explain to your neighbor that the roosters are just a temporary thing? Maybe he would calm down if you told him he was invited for a chicken dinner this winter!
I would shoot back, and could probably be justified in doing so because he was pointing a gun at my house......but honestly I doubt my LIFE is in danger so it's probably not worth the legal hassle

ETA: also, he is actually on the street behind us (city grid type roads) so while all my neighbors on both sides and to the front LIKE my chickens or at least don't mind them --- some of them even throw treats over the fence, a fact that used to bother me a little, but I told that to the animal control officer and he seemed to realize that I wasn't lying that my neighbors on MY street actually seem to like the birds. Since the wackjob doesn't live on my street with the people that I am friends with, I doubt they are friends with him either.

Worse case scenario---one day some little boys were out shooting their bb gun at birds in their front yard. One not so well placed shot put a bb through the front window of a house across the street. There was a little boy who happened to be standing in the front room with his arms up reaching for something. The bb passed through the window (without breaking it and arousing suspicion) punctured the boys skin (somehow unknown to him at the time) and lodged itself in the major artery in his arm supplying blood to the extremity. I believe the story ended up that by the time they discovered the bb his arm had to be amputated....could be exaggerating on the end result....can't recall exactly but at the very least he had to have surgery removing the bb from his pit and the vessel. Never assume a little bb can't do much damage because the rarest of shots can kill.....

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