True Blue Whiting info please?

According to Dr. Whiting, the sex can be identified by the feathers only if you have certain roosters over certain hens -- if's either slow feathering male over fast feathering hen or the other way around (I can't remember which for sure). They are really cute!
Either way they all have the same feather growth and they are supposed to be pullets so they most likely are. I was a little worried for a second when I noticed they were mostly light colored but then remembered the picture online had a good number of white and white based hens.
According to Dr. Whiting, the sex can be identified by the feathers only if you have certain roosters over certain hens -- if's either slow feathering male over fast feathering hen or the other way around (I can't remember which for sure).  They are really cute!
Here's my hopefully pullet. What do you think it is?


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