True Blue Whiting info please?

they hate taking pictures

He's got some pretty colors. Can't wait to see updates as he matures. Did you find him getting a three row pea comb vs a single row early on like EE?
I have a few Whiting hens purchased locally. Blue egg layers, green egg layers and a Rhode Island (Production) Red. I purchased these at point of lay from a woman who purchased the chicks when a local store cancelled their order. They were raised free range and were pretty flighty when I got them but settled down as they started laying. The flightiest one is still better than my hatchery Partridge Rock. They wouldn't be happy in a tractor ( but none of my hens would be) and long as they have a little room they're fine. They stay in a 4' fence for the most part except if you move them around and they want to go back to the old spot but even then they don't go far and usually put themselves back where they belong. The blue egg layers are a separate line from the green egg layers with the green egg layers being a little better but both are very good. This is their second winter and they're just now starting to look like they're going to molt. The blue eggs I get are pale but definitely blue, not green. The eggs are typically 60 - 70gm. My blue egg layers have slate and willow legs, modified pea combs, muffs and a beard. My green egg layers have yellow legs, single combs and are clean faced. Obviously this is a little different than what McMurray has but I've been very happy with mine and will probably get a few new chicks this spring.

Wow, your birds look amazingly similar to my Ameraucana's who also lay either blue or green eggs. They are beautiful birds! I would definitely be more interested in birds like yours over birds in the picture on MMMs site. How old are yours? The ones on the MMM site look to be adolescents to me, but I am new to this so its just my thought.
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I like this picture. The EE in the front just showed up in my mother in laws back yard.No idea where it came from. She lays large blue eggs sporadically. The other hen is the only surviving painted Dorking that I have. I've yet to figure out"WHICH"egg is hers. I like their colors
I sure wish Colorado's NPIP vet wasn't so behind. I have 21 Whiting True Blue chicks that I haven't sold yet, but can't ship since no NPIP until next month!
Wow, your birds look amazingly similar to my Ameraucana's who also lay either blue or green eggs. They are beautiful birds! I would definitely be more interested in birds like yours over birds in the picture on MMMs site. How old are yours? The ones on the MMM site look to be adolescents to me, but I am new to this so its just my thought.
These look like MMM's Ameraucana/Araucana. They lay large blue and green eggs too. I have 3 of them. I only have 1 purebred Lavender Ameraucana.
I have some ameraucana and araucana.For an hour this evening I sat patiently in the chicken pen TRYING. to get a decent piture of them and of my whiting females. Every single picture i took was a blur.They NEVER. stop moving.

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