True Blue Whiting info please?

Hello all! I too have True Blues that I got from MM Hatchery. They hit 20 weeks last Monday. I got my first egg yesterday from one girl. Waiting on the other 8 to start laying! The egg, sadly, wasn't blue. It was green like a Mallard egg. Sure hoping the others lay BLUE eggs!! They have been good healthy chickens. They are handling the hot humid weather in Louisiana very well. I plan to sell their fertile eggs and chicks. :)

Hopefully that loads. There is an Orust pulled (black and white speckled) in the back, but all others are Whiting True Blues. Both roosters have combs that flop over their left eyes. Hmm...


Another pic of the chickens and one of the eggs. The egg of the right us from a Svart Hona hen (small cream colored eggs.) The two on the left are from the Whitng True Blues. I wasn't happy about the green one but I got the cream colored one today and now I'm REALLY not happy! (Sorry, the eggs are so dirty. They seem to like to lay them and then step all over them!)
I will be burning up their email if i have similar results!!!

I just sent them an email. I'm sure I was nicer than I should have been but I let them know I am not happy! That was a costly venture, starting the flock. I originally ordered 25 straight run chicks. I lost 8 chicks to coccidiosis at 2 weeks of age, and I culled 6 roosters recently. I had been expecting I could eventually make my money back selling chicks and eggs but now I think not. I am anxious to see what they have to say about the multi colored eggs. I'm so disappointed.
The two on the left are from the Whitng True Blues. I wasn't happy about the green one but I got the cream colored one today and now I'm REALLY not happy! (Sorry, the eggs are so dirty. They seem to like to lay them and then step all over them!)

Am I reading that correctly that one of your True Blue's is laying cream eggs?

That is patently unacceptable, as there is no way a homozygous blue egg layer's (father or mother) offspring could lay cream eggs!!! The only way the cream egg could happen is if both parents carried white egg shell genes with some brown color pollution in the mix...

If the claims of green eggs and cream eggs is true, then these chickens are nothing short of barnyard mixed mutts fraudulently sold as Whiting True Blues and Murray McMurray Hatchery is in for a world of bad press and owes a lot of people refunds IMO...
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