True Blue Whiting info please?

this is my wtb roo all mine have a pea type comb not single comb
Mine are all 13 weeks tomorrow I having awhile yet before I know what color those eggs will be. I would have just ordered more ee's if they lay green eggs. Meh fingers crossed for blue eggs
Sounds pretty ridiculous. I would call in if I were you. For me it's not a huge deal just a disappointment since I only bought 4 and kept three but for people that made a large investment it's unacceptable. McMurray has pretty good customer service though and I'll be shocked if they don't do something about it.

Well, I got my reply from the hatchery! I'm not impressed. Thoughts??
Well, I got my reply from the hatchery! I'm not impressed. Thoughts??

Reply back to them they they are utter stupid idiots to suggest such foolishness nonsense and that their reply is a complete insult to your and everyone else that actually has a clue about chicken genetics, and that you are beyond surprised that a so called professional hatchery would even reply with such ignorance based lies... Egg shell color does not 'develop' it's a genetic trait it's either white or blue, end of story... There is absolutely zero chance a chicken that laid a cream egg will ever lay a blue egg, simply never going to happen the cream egg is a clear indicator that the blue egg gene does not exist in the chicken... And to those that are laying green that is a genetic indicator of a brown coating gene present a gene that will never go away.. True the degree of brown coating might vary slightly over a season or it might not but, again it's a genetic trait and it's not going to magically disappear if they are laying green eggs they will forever lay green eggs, just like the cream layer will forever lay cream eggs...
I'm going to contact them again. I got three eggs today. 2 greens and a cream. 3 hens down, 6 to go now. How can they call them "True Blue" in their ad and then act like I'm just supposed to be patient when all I find is green and cream?! I know the cream won't change, and I've seen greens go through various shades of green and blue-green, but you just can't call that TRUE blue. I tried to see some faint blue in the cream eggs (kind of the same way we try not to see pink in a young cockerels comb when we want a pullet! lol) but it's not there. Bummed.

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