TSC Chick Days what breeds?

Ameralinks? Did you mean amberlink? If it's just an Amarucana cross then that is normally just called an easter egger. Did they say what egg color they should lay?
Wish our store got silkies, I already have 4 but have been considering adding more because I love them so much. Still have a wish list for ISA browns, black sexlinks, golden sexlinks, black copper marans, and olive eggers so keeping my eyes open until end of chick days at my store for them. Maybe a few sebrights too since I had them as a kid and are a little bit of Nostalgia for me.
I went to tractorsupply today. They had a bunch of empty bins, some bantams, and black sexlinks. I went to the feedstore and got 5 rir and 5 barred rock
The store was probably selling out of chicks. We had almost all our bins full on Tuesday and now we are down to 10 chicks in one pen. At least at our location they go fast. You have to get there when they come in to get the full selection. Always call ahead and ask when there next shipment is at the store or what they currently have in/left.
They didnt even have chic feed (except the over priced organic) they were pretty low on everything chick related.

No problem tho. I got ten from the feedstore and i have 15 eggs in the bator. Im good for a while
The store was probably selling out of chicks. We had almost all our bins full on Tuesday and now we are down to 10 chicks in one pen. At least at our location they go fast. You have to get there when they come in to get the full selection. Always call ahead and ask when there next shipment is at the store or what they currently have in/left. 

Went to our other store today and they were all out of Pullets..well 2 RIR. A bunch of Straight Run RIR.. a few bantams and a good amount of the Amberlinks. However that had Barred Rock, Buff Orpingtons but sold out so that was good news.

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