TSC grumblings


10 Years
Mar 28, 2009
Near Asheville, NC
went in today to see their chicks, mostly just out of curiosity and to show the kids. they had two metal tubs of chicks, "assorted reds" and "assorted bantams". in the bantam tub there was a dying chick and two obviously in bad shape. i let the clerk know, and she called her manager over who instructed her to put the still breathing chick in a plastic bag in the trash.

i really did want to say something but i had my kids and fully expected my 7 year old very dramatic and sensitive daughter to overhear this and start a major hysterical fit at any moment, plus i was chasing my toddler. i chose the path of least resistance but i really thought it could have been handled better...at least not saying it in front of customers, even if that was the manager's choice of what should be done.

it was just odd. i know it's a farm store, not a pet store, but it seemed really callous. especially since they were not busy at all...we were one of only two customers in there. not sure what i think should have been done but this didn't sit well with me. esp. since neither of them seemed at all knowledgeable about chicks. definitely will be patronizing the local feed store, not tsc, next time.
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The TSC her is the same way. There were dead baby chicks in the tub and they had been there for a while.
And there was a white silkie chick that was dieing and I had to tell the lady that was suppost to take CARE of the baby chicks, um you have a baby chick that is DIEING! And they didn't even have the light on the chicks, it was pointing the wrong way, and the chicks were all huddled in the corner and some of the chicks were getting smooshed. Boy was I MAD!!!!
Mrs Fluffy, what TSC was it? I would have definately said something about the light not facing the right way. I would have fixed it myself or raised heck until they fixed it. I was just at a TSC today and there were a few chicks with pasty butt that I just picked up and cleaned.
i know they aren't set up for triage, of course. it just made me realize that dealing with economies of scale is something that often makes me uncomfortable and it reminded me of the need to use my purchasing power to "vote", so to speak, for smaller, more sustainable and aware businesses whenever possible. that's all.
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It was the TSC in Plainview Texas. I did put the light back on the chicks, and there was abunch of shavings in their feeders and waterers I had to get the shavings out, and after I did the chicks all crounded around the waterer to get a drink because the shavings had soaked all the water up! Man, I don't think TSC should be able to sale chicks because they dunno a thing about chickens ...
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tons of shavings in the water i saw too...i just assumed they would get to it when they could. but then i started to wonder...by then i was high-tailing it out before my kids saw the plastic bag thing.

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