TSC Shoppers... could you do me a favor?


11 Years
Aug 21, 2008
The Hills of Eastern Ohio
Ok, my little sister is getting married this fall. It's a fairly casual wedding. She and her fiance picked out these shirts at TSC for the guys to wear, but they weren't able to get all the sizes that they needed. She spent forever at our local TSC and they said that there are no more of these shirts in Ohio. So, I'm asking any of you that make a trip to TSC any time soon, could you look for these shirts? If you find them, I'll paypal you the money or whatever to buy them and ship them to me. She only needs 2: 1 Medium and 1 Large.




Thanks for looking. I'll be really thankful if between all of you out there someone can help us!
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SKU # is 74-0702-5

Sorry about that. I forgot to add that in.

Yeah, it's a dark red/maroon on a tan background.

The SKU number isn't just for that color, though... it's for all the shirts in that style.

I am going on my way home from work tomorrow, I'll print this out and bring it with me

I'll holler and let you know either way

(Ps, my hubby and I got married in jeans and flannel, so I'm all for the TSC motif)
Anyone have any luck? We still haven't located the last two shirts. Thanks so much to all of you!

That would have been my choice as well! My sister insisted that I needed a dress, though. To be honest, I actually enjoyed wearing my dress (I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal, so that surprised me)! Our wedding was in a hayfield, the girls wore plaid dresses, the wedding party came out in a haywagon behind the tractor, and my dad brought me out on the back of his tractor! So it was fairly casual, though not as casual as yours.

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