TSC silver blue leghorns?


9 Years
Jun 24, 2010
Bedford co. PA
So i was at tractor supply today to see if they got any new chicks yet, and they had a straight run bin marked silver(blue) leghorn. Now to my understanding, those are two different varieties, the lady there said she had no idea. I grabbed six of the chicks, some of them had brownish colored down on the backs and they others a slatey color, so i got the ones that were a slate color. did i get blue leghorns? or is there just a bit of a varience in the chick colors of silver or what? real confused.
There are Silver Leghorns but to the best of my knowledge there are no Blue Leghorns. I've never seen or heard of any.
may be blue andalutions some pepole think they are leghorns
That's an Australian site. Let me amend what I said to I don't know of them existing in the US & certainly not in a bin at TSC.

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