TSC suspicious "pullet"


10 Years
Mar 22, 2013
Fresno, CA
You've heard it all before, no doubt, but it's new to me....

I bought 6 "pullets" from TSC a few weeks ago and now that they are feathering and growing like weeds.... "one of these things is not quite like the other". Sorry for the bad phone pics, I can get better ones if needed. Here is what 2 of the girls look like (they are a little larger and more feathered than the suspicious chicken)

And the suspicious chicken....

Less feathers, bigger comb.... Oh please say I'm paranoid, because these are urban chickens and my neighbors have graciously accepted my having hens, not so much a Roo.
If it is a roo, what are my options? I don't want to take him back to tsc because I've heard they cull. I imagine this kind of problem is fairly common, but I would like to try and find the best possible outcome for the little dude (if it is, in fact, a dude). Help! Ideas please!


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