TSC taking my name and number just for buying chicks?

I was there last night to pickup some supplies. I didn't buy any chicks,wasn't asked for any information , paid by credit card.
The TSC that I got my chicks from last year wanted my address. The cashier said it was required so that they could prove that they actually sold the chicks and didn't just dump them.
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I wonder if this means that TSC has changed their 6-chick-minimum corporate policy or if the people there know you and cut you a break? At the least, it shows that different TSC's do things differently.

No - they have the 6 chick minimum. But I had stopped by our Co-op just a few minutes before stopping by TSC, and I already had some chicks in the car from the Co-op. So they waived the 6-chick minimum since the other chicks were just right there. Plus, they see me in there buying chick feed and layer feed and scratch grains all the time.
TSC is not a place I give my business to for that reason, among others. First of all, I'd NEVER buy chicks from a place that allows the public to handle them for several reasons, including injury and disease.

Second, TSC lied to us a couple of years ago when we put them on the spot about why they wanted that information, saying the state required it (this was a NC TSC, not one in GA, but they say the same thing). If the state required it, then every farm store in NC that sold chicks would have been taking personal information and they didn't. We told the woman that it was a blatant lie. She finally said that corporate required it, which is probably partly the truth. Remember NAIS, folks? National Animal Identification System? It isn't entirely dead. They keep repackaging it to make it more palatable. Of course, they want to know where all the chickens are that are not owned by the factory farm operations. Don't even get me started on that one. I get real suspicious when they want to "track" my purchase of something I'm paying cash for, just to locate it and me later for some nefarious purpose.

The local feed store, the county co-op here, told me last year that she will no longer be selling chicks because the State of GA, that tries to regulate everything under the sun, did come in with a huge book of regs and told her she would have to record where every chick went when it left the store. She refused to give up her customers' names and decided she would no longer have chick days. Kudos to that woman. The feed store around the corner from there, who sells literally thousands of chicks every year, said she was required to take names, too, but I've never once been asked for my name and number in the past when I picked up a chick or two-she probably makes up a list and hands it to the feds or whoever comes in to get it. So, could be things are tightening up but I'm not bowing to that any more than these women.

Sometimes, I would love to buy chicks just to refuse to give my name and number and cause a huge ruckus in the store, but I don't want any of their hatchery birds, especially taking the chance that one was handled by someone who already has sick birds at home, or by some brat who gave it internal injuries and it's already dying when I get it.
I just bought 12 BO chicks at my local TSC in NY. I paid cash and no questions were asked. Also they have the chicks all corralled in so no customers can handle them. They wouldn't even let me hand pick my own birds.
The public isn't allowed to handle the chicks at our TSC. They have the brooder cordoned off - and only the employees can get to them - and they need a key to get into the enclosure.

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