TudyBOT Feedback & Discussion Thread

My thoughts on all this... These Artificial Intelligence programs are no different than any other tool in your tool box, you only bring them out when you need to use them. Each of your tools in your tool box has its limitations so if you find you need a Phillips-head screwdriver but you only have a Flat-head, you may need to find another way to fix whatever it is that is broken. Tudy is also a tool and has its limitations as well, it only knows what it's programmed to know or picks up along its travels in our forums. It's not a whole lot different than Googling something you need information for, Tudy could be compared to a glorified search engine.

No one here on BYC, members or Staff, wants to see Tudy take over the forums. We are all here for the human interaction, human experiences, friendship, laughter, empathy, sharing our lives and most of all our love of poultry. Things Tudy will never know.

All this being said however, I personally think Tudy should stay in her Corner. I think mixing artificial into reality would make for a confusing atmosphere. What's real, what's not?! I personally don't think Tudy belongs in our discussion forums next to human answered posts, it can diminish the entire point of responding in any thread, I think most members want to get a solution from a real situation, not a textbook data type answer. However if members are unable to get the answers they need out in our forums, they can come to TudyBOTs Corner and ask the questions they need answers to. They still may not get the answer they are looking for and it's entirely possible Tudys answer could be incorrect. But it's satisfying to know you have done as much research as possible on a problem you just can't solve and you then know you did all you could.

There are other chatbots being used out there on the internet that may negatively impact the outside world, but here on BYC we are being careful in what data is being fed to Tudy. She is not programmed to spew out negative or unethical information, we are doing our best to keep Tudy in line with our tone and respectful attitudes we all strive to have here on BYC.
Well said. I really appreciate tudybot, I'm hoping to see her stay 10000%, but I don't want it to change BYC in a bad way, so I'd like to see her stay in her corner and then go visit her if I need her. Both humans and AI have their downsides, for example I have been victim to unanswered threads, so I like the idea of getting an answer right away if no real person answers. Whereas AI can be frustrating because y'all are right, BYC is great for the people and experience, so I'd hate to go to Tudy every time if I don't get an answer.

That being said she really is a lot more intelligent than Siri could ever be. You can actually have conversations (overall) with her remembering what you've said in the past.
I like that! "Tudy's coop".
Did you mean that you have issues with the bots having access to BYC? If so, this has nothing to do with us installing or not installing TudyBOT. BYC is publicly accessible, so until we put every post behind a login, robots from around the world are/will be constantly crawling/"spidering" everything posted.
Yes and no.
No because I know there are already bots crawling all over the place, nothing is private if it's on the internet. What I had in mind was Tudy being accessible all over the site, I think it would be an annoyance.
And yes because it really does bother me that OpenAI is already using so much data without consent, nobody posted their content on the internet so that it could be fed to AI, it was taken from creators.
I like Tudy, but I am worried about people abusing her. I haven’t seen any of this behavior yet, but it will be hard to moderate everyone’s interactions with her.

In my opinion, I like Tudy because I often have questions that are frequently asked on BYC or have already been answered, but I can’t find the thread or article. I feel bad bothering real humans about a question that they have answered a million times. This is probably what I will use her for. Also, I sometimes have non-chicken related questions that I don’t want to bother people with.

I am interested to see how he will respond to “controversial“ chicken topics.

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