TULSA area Cluckers

I just found a website- aftonpoultryswap.com

Is it an all day event. I'm sorry to have so many questions- but like I said Ive never been to a poultry swap.
Has anyone been to the Friday night auction that they have in Pryor? I think it is the same day as Coweta's and trying to decide if it is worth trying out.
Maybe the person that was telling me about this (and now I can't remember who) wasn't talking about the Vinita auction at the Craig County Fairgrounds which does seem to be the correct dates since it is the 3rd Friday of the month. So any feedback on the Vinita auction?
31 Ameraucanas
44 Black Copper Marans
29 Cream Legbars
28 Easter Eggers
12 Isbars

Yippee! Will be saving some CLs and most of the Isbars for myself, the rest are already spoken for on my wait list except for EEs. I have brooder space in the garage for about 120, the rest can stay in the house until they are picked up. That is, if they all hatch. The Isbars are only just now pure for breeding and haven't had the greatest fertility yet, so we'll see- it is what it is!


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