Tumor/abscess on chick?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 11, 2014
Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? This is my first time raising chicks. She is about 10 days old and noticed this two days ago. Based on its size you would think that it took longer than one or two days to develop, but we have been monitoring these chicks very closely since we got them. This thing popped up out of nowhere or two days ago. She still eats and drinks and does not even have runny stools. However, we have now noticed that she cannot stand up straight or walk in a straight line anymore. Does anybody have any advice on what this could be or what I should do. The black mass is very hard and is now developing soft pussy sacks around it. My vet said she'd see her, but for a pretty ridiculous fee.
So sorry your little chick is having this issue. Not sure I have an answer for you though.

It reminds me of the time a cat of mine got a botfly in its neck but I'm not sure if chickens can get those, though I guess their version of it may be flystrike. Is it like a scab? Can you pull up on it? Is there a hole or puncture wound underneath? Are your chicks located indoors or out? Do you notice a bad smell coming from it at all?
Difficult to see, but looks like an infection. I would clean it as best as you can with hot water - try to get as much of the puss as you can, even the solid parts (after the hot water has loosened it), then fill it with neosporin. Coating in Wound-Kote/BluKote may help.
It does not smell and there are no punctures. I was wondering about trying to lance it. I wonder if maybe he could be in growing feathers or something. These chicks are in my basement
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Then I doubt it's flystrike, though that can develop quickly. Were your chicks vaccinated? It's located at the injection site. Regardless of the cause, I guess I would treat it like an infection. Not sure I would try lancing that on something so small, but Owen seems to have offered some good advice regarding cleaning the site. Perhaps try that and post some picture of the site before you apply anything to it.

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