Turkey Farmer Again


11 Years
Apr 24, 2008
Shelton Washington
Well, it is official, we are turkey farmers once again.

We have two Narragansetts in the brooder, with more scheduled to hatch. Just peeked in the incubator and there is at least one more out and drying off.

Woo Hoo

We last had turkeys 2 years ago, we had naragansetts that were not to standard, bourbon reds, and blacks.

This time around I am hoping for something closer to standard to work with, and will settle on one variety for a while.

We did miss them while they were not around.
What do you mean by "not so standard"? Were they from a hatchery? Just curious as I got 8 Narragansetts from Cackle with my order.I never realized until last year that hatchery was so different as when I got my RIR's that look a LOT different than true RIR's.I still like them but was really bummed at first.I have ALL hatchery birds right now...including all my ducks,turkeys and chickens...so none of mine are SQ.(although they all put on shows
Well if the hatch finishes like it started we will have a few that will be dedicated to the dinner table.

The real intent is to end up with a good trio or quad to overwinter for next years crop.

Final hatch statistics

Purchased 18 eggs (actually 12 but he threw in the other 6 because they were getting older)

Hatched 18, had to assist with 3, as they were stuck to membranes (probably my fault for opening bator during hatch)

Rarely do we get 100% even with our own eggs.

Lost one in a waterer.

17 seem to be going strong in the brooders.


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