Turkey fumble. Life or Death?

x2, you own it now... they obviously don't care about it, so I wouldn't give it back.
Dont temp me lol! They are great with their animals. They feed them well and utilize their vet all the time. It is a horse ranch, with between 30 and 40 horses. Im not sure how this is going to play out but Im hoping that the turkey who Iv been calling "Turkey Burger" lovingly, survives so that when I do get my own land she comes with me.
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Dont temo me lol! They are great with their animals. They feed them well and utilize their vet all the time. It is a horse ranch, with between 30 and 40 horses. Im not sure how this is going to play out but Im hoping that the turkey who Iv been calling "Turkey Burger" lovingly, survives so that when I do get my own land she comes with me.
She keeps trying to stand on it. I am going to wrap it better tonight when I inspect for infection.
Sounds like you are doing great... and an awesome (brave) person who isn't worried about pointing fingers or trying to pull one over on your land lords. :highfive:

I wonder if a sling will help get her up where she can practice putting weight on the leg?


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