Turkey Talk for 2014

My hen does the same thing but won't let my Tom bees her!!! She is a Goofball lol
That is what can happen when you imprint turkeys. She thinks she is the same as you and does not recognize the tom as an acceptable suitor.

Researchers trying to save the Whooping Cranes found that Whooping Cranes that were imprinted on humans would not breed with other Whooping Cranes. In order to solve the problem they designed suits that would allow them to look like Whooping Cranes. Whooping Cranes that were raised by the people wearing the Whooping Crane suits will breed with other Whooping Cranes.
I have a turkey that is just about the age to start laying. Just this week I noticed every time I walk up to her she sits down. I can pet her and she doesn't move. She has never done this before. She is still eating and looks fine. Could it be because she is getting close to laying and maybe feels funny? Or all of a sudden she just started to let me pet her. She has always been friendly but has never sat down in front of me like she is now.

I got my breeding pair when they were about a year old I believe. Because the tom is so "attached" to me the hen learned that if she wanted the tom to breed she needed to come and sit next to me. I keep telling them I don't need to be part of this arrangement. I just stand there and look away.....
I got my breeding pair when they were about a year old I believe. Because the tom is so "attached" to me the hen learned that if she wanted the tom to breed she needed to come and sit next to me. I keep telling them I don't need to be part of this arrangement. I just stand there and look away.....
Hi I am new I am currently looking for two baby turkeys that don't have to fly across country. If at all possible. My local feed store told me to call every day at noon. So we will see. I want to learn more before we get two.
There is a new Turkey Talk thread. I think it is called "A Century of Turkey Talk 2000-2100" That thread should be more active, and you can get faster responses to your questions. Good luck!

Hi I am new I am currently looking for two baby turkeys that don't have to fly across country. If at all possible. My local feed store told me to call every day at noon. So we will see. I want to learn more before we get two.
That's great! What kind?

The pictures say more then I could so he is a white Turkey ..

And here he is trying to hide

May be you know more then I do about his breed all I know is the person at the feed store said it was the last one they had and that was it and that if I came back on the 21st that there might be more coming in but that they were only getting in male's .

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