Turkeys For 2013

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Here are headshots of the one. He or she kept photo bombing my pictures this weekend. LOL I can try to get better ones.

I will have to upload the videos I got this weekend to youtube after I get home from work tonight. That might help.
In these pictures the first one's coloring looks like a tom and the bottom shot is a hen?
Thank you! I wasn't able to get new pictures today but here are some videos I took over the weekend. Hopefully they will help.


SO true!!

What do you all think??

I have 6 auburns, but no female. THEy are pretty rare so finding a female locally seems very unlikely. ORdering from Porters, would mean a big order, and he usually only sends about 6 as I remember.

So do I try to hold on to 2 -3 toms and order next year in hopes of a few girls? OR can them all and start a new???

All opinions are welcome.
SO true!!

What do you all think??

I have 6 auburns, but no female. THEy are pretty rare so finding a female locally seems very unlikely. ORdering from Porters, would mean a big order, and he usually only sends about 6 as I remember.

So do I try to hold on to 2 -3 toms and order next year in hopes of a few girls? OR can them all and start a new???

All opinions are welcome.
I have no idea what to tell you. I bought turkey so many times this year and spent so much money trying to get some hens and still only have one! I think they keep all the hens for themselves and just tell us they don't sex them!
But I will buy more come spring and try again.
Sure seems that way!!! I wonder if what time of year I buy from POrters makes a diff . . . .

I bought at the end of the season, when he has the big sale. Only 2 hens---the 2 sweetgrass girls. I woudl have given them up for 2 auburns. FOr what ever reason I am fixated on the AUburns. NOt even APA . . . .but the color is very soothing, like a cup of hot chocolate with a dash of tobasco sauce. lol
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